Apple Will Start RCS Messaging on iPhones in 2024.

RCS Messaging: It has been confirmed by Apple that they will very soon launch RC messaging, just like Android. Apple spokespersons shared with 9to5mac With this, continue this Just like Android, it will now be available for the iPhone series and be compatible with iMessage.

An Apple representative told 9to5Mac in a statement, “Later next year, we will be adding support for RCS Universal Profile, the standard as currently published by the GSM Association. Apple added that it confirmed that RCS messages will be represented by green bubbles and iMessages will continue to be represented by blue bubbles. The company uses blue bubbles to represent iMessage, which it considers to be the safest and most effective method of communication for iPhone users.

Current Condition of RCS Messaging

In the current scenario, there are a number of limitations when using iMessage to communicate with someone who does not own an iPhone. These limitations include the inability to see typing indicators, confusing group chats, and sending images and videos at a lower resolution. RCS provides additional user benefits by utilizing Wi-Fi and cellular networks to mitigate those pain points. These consist of read receipts and location sharing between Android and iPhone devices.

In existing market tech giant like Google and Samsung, a few days ago, Nothing was announced this feature

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Google Take On News of RCS Messaging

On the basis of the above news, the Google representativehas has made the remark that,

“”Regardless of phone, everyone has the right to secure, modern communication methods with one another. For this reason, we have collaborated extensively with the mobile sector to expedite the adoption of RCS. We are pleased to witness Apple formally embracing RCS today. We appreciate Apple’s involvement in our continued efforts with the GSMA to advance RCS and improve the security and equity of messaging, and we look forward to collaborating with them to bring this to iOS in a way that benefits all parties.”


Apple’s take on enabling RCS on iPhones is a huge step that will significantly effect the global instant messaging market. In certain markets, such as the USA, there will probably be less social pressure to purchase iPhones. Therefore, users can communicate with people on any other platform just as easily as they can with other iPhone users, regardless of whether they are using an Android phone or an iPhone.

Since RCS supports the majority of fundamental features one would anticipate from a regular messaging app—such as read and delivered receipts, typing indicators, emojis, stickers, HD images and videos, location sharing, message reactions, and end-to-end encryption—it might potentially have an impact on third-party instant messaging platforms like WhatsApp.

RCS Messaging

FAQs :

What is the full form of RCS?

RCS : Rich Communication Services

What is RCS messaging?

RCS messaging offers a number of cutting-edge features.
Read receipts, typing indicators, HD media sharing, group chats, and more are some of these features.

RCS messaging is good or bad for the user?

It is a good and very useful feature for users.

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